Konquering Koine parsing one word at a time!

Covering all verbs, nouns, adjectives, and pronouns that occurs 15 times or more in the Greek New Testament, ParseGreek quizzes users based on various criteria, including compatability with today's top introductory Greek grammars.

Put away your flashcards and pick up Danny Zacharias’ ParseGreek app today. You’ll wonder like me, “How did I ever survive Greek without this?
— Matthew D. Montonini

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ParseGreek is compatible with all the following grammars:



parseGreek LITE

iOS or Android

ParseGreek LITE is fully functional, but limited to 10 cards in the quiz. When you are ready, you can update to ParseGreek.

*Disclaimer 1* ΠαrsεGrεεk is in no way affiliated with the publishers or authors of the textbooks we seek to be compatible with. This is NOT a companion app with any of these textbooks, it is simply compatible with them.

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iOS or Android

ParseGreek includes the entire word set and all features.

*Disclaimer 2* ΠαrsεGrεεk has tried its darndest to be as accurate as possible, but we're only human. If you find an error, it's all our fault and we're sorry and will fix it as soon as we can.

Privacy Policy for ParseGreek

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